Paint Party at the Mira Mesa Community Park

Today I had a really good group, they were patient and they did very good on their paintings.  My group was pretty nice to me despite of me starting a bit late and some even helped me set up.  This is the very first time ever that I was late and I think it was Read more about Paint Party at the Mira Mesa Community Park[…]

Teaching on my Birthday

Today is my birthday and I don’t even mind that I have to work because when I teach I have a lot fun.  I got to teach my private student some painting and then afterward I instructed my group class how to make graphic characters from their sketchbooks to canvas using acrylics as well as Read more about Teaching on my Birthday[…]

Beer and Brushes at Longship Brewery

Today was my first time painting at the lovely Longship Brewery.  Beer and Brushes was such a fun event because I got a great group and the delicious beers helped too!  We had a good mix of folks painting with us, some were with family, some were on a date, and some were even having Read more about Beer and Brushes at Longship Brewery[…]

Group Class – Moon

I’ve been having a great time teaching art to the youth in Mira Mesa.  This summer we have been mainly working on painting and a few classes previous to this one we had been working on proportions.  For this painting we got to play with values of blue with a pleasant moon scenery.  We used Read more about Group Class – Moon[…]

4th of July Electrical Boxes

For Fourth of July I wanted to pretty up some boxes as well as create something festive for the town.  I wanted to have the folks at the base feel like they’re part of the town.  It’s also been annoying me how ugly some of the power boxes are on this part of town when I Read more about 4th of July Electrical Boxes[…]

Emmy’s Paint Party

Today was a great and sunny day for painting!  We were gathered together with good food, sunshine, and awesome company for my good longtime friend Emmy’s Birthday.  I was happy she chose me to host a painting event for her and her friends on her day of celebration.  I enjoyed their enthusiasm which I think Read more about Emmy’s Paint Party[…]

Balboa Park Painting Group

It’s been gloomy in SD, but my party consisting of lovely ladies from Louisiana were very lively and energetic;  so much so that so many tourists kept coming over wanting to take their pictures.  Even the CEO director of Balboa Park passed by, was delighted and took a picture of our party.  I also got Read more about Balboa Park Painting Group[…]

Painting at the Park

Coach Allan got a hold of me through Facebook and organized 12 young painters for me.  This was a great group and a lot of them play baseball at this same park (MM central community park).  I think an hour and a half in the giant box of pizza kept steering attention away from me Read more about Painting at the Park[…]

Kelly’s Birthday

Gina called me to set a paint party for her sister’s birthday and they helped me set up in the backyard.   The beginning. I loved seeing the variations of mark making. Taking shape! These ladies were competitive. These ladies were a lot of fun and very nice.  They fed me a lot of kinds Read more about Kelly’s Birthday[…]