Some doodles from MM/SD (These will also be posted on Instagram:Leoangeloart)
Don’t be a weirdo toilet paper hoarder
sometimes my neighbors inspire me.
I doodled this from some local news in SD
The first time I joined the Nextdoor (app) people were talking about Birds (scooter), coyotes (actual animal), and R.V.s. So here’s a quick doodle.
There’s a lot of holes without pot in MM
Girl Scout cookies are addicting.
This is a comic inspired by last week’s Nextdoor app news. There were two separate motorcycle accidents in the same night (one rear ended my mom’s car) and also there was a boat in a dark part of Montongo rd that caused an accident. Drive safe!
I doodled this while it was raining a little outside.
For Lunar New Year.
For ❤️ Day
When it’s raining ?
This was inspired by posting on Reddit where people seemed to be pretty passionate about their Mexican food.
A doodle about the commute.
Package thieves suck big nuggets of poo.
A doodle about making friends in SD.
If some SD malls were people.
The San Diego Guardian.
SD is chill most of the time.
How Sheep got a job.
This was a doodle that I made the last time I visited SD and unfortunately got stuck in the DMV for the whole day. The service was amazingly horrible to inspire this doodle.
Some hairstyles I have observed in MM.
I moved from MM and I found that I missed a lot of food that you can’t just get anywhere else.